Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Art of 42... thus far.

So far listening to new music has been the easiest part of this experiment of mine. There are so many opportunities to add a new album into ones life. While driving, at the studio, or even while dicking around on the computer. At the end of the year I'm going to make a mix tape of all the songs that I've really liked.

The new recipes are a bit tricky. I think the problem is I have to sit down and start planning them out. I found that even though I'm in the mood to cook, I might not have all the ingredients needed. Also I need to define what a new recipe is. If I make it up as I go, it doesn't count... that's just me being me. In order to introduce new foods and flavors into my life (and my husbands), it has to be a recipe from a book or a TV chef. I think it also needs to include an ingredient that I've never tried or normally don't use.

New places/things is slow to start. I feel though that with a few weekend trips planned out it'll be a few at once.

I am currently making new things to sell. I need to set aside a day to photograph and upload things into my etsy store.

Surprisingly reading has been the hardest. I thought it would be the easiest since I love to read and am a fast reader. However, I picked a book that is long and boring the shit out of me.

There's still 341 days left to complete things so no worries yet. Or 331 days if Mayan doomsday happens, in which case none of this shit really matters ;)

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